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Piping Design, Pump

Pump Design

Pump piping design is a critical aspect of fluid transport systems, whether they are used in industrial processes, municipal water supply, or other applications. Properly designed pump piping ensures efficient and reliable operation while minimizing maintenance requirements. Here are some key considerations in pump piping design:


  • To facilitate pump removal, position break spools near the pump suction and discharge nozzles.
  • The straight length requirement for suction piping should adhere to the mechanical datasheet, with a minimum of 3D (three times the pipe diameter).
  • Tee-type strainers are the preferred choice, ensuring easy removal/pull-out without obstruction.
  • For pump maintenance access, ensure a minimum of two access ways in the design.
  • Place an eccentric reducer with a flat top at the nozzle. (ECC REDU, TF)
  • A stress check must be conducted to verify whether the nozzle falls within Allowable Nozzle Loads. 

Sample Configuration:

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